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Helpful books for parents

Helpful websites

Beaconhouse has many free resources -
The boy who was raised as a dog
Anna Freud  You tube channel for short informative videos 
The body remembers
The Power of showing up 
Inner World Work - free resources -
The Whole brain child 
Mental Health UK
Big Steps for Little People- Parenting your adopted child
Child Mental Health Service -Welcome to The Child Mental Health Centre
The Invisible String
The Nutmeg series 

Helpful websites

CEOP-Education team aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse. CEOP Education (
The Survivors Trust -
Self Injury Support -Self Injury Support

Helpful videos 

BreneĢ Brown on Empathy (Kid Friendly!)

BreneĢ Brown on Empathy (Kid Friendly!)

Play Video

Brene Brown

Dan Siegal

adverse childhood experiences (ace's)

Mindfulness practice

Anna freud centre

anna freud centre

childhood trauma and the brain


Beacon house Therapeutic services


Laura is a star and made the sessions so positive and natural. I found that it helped me keep therapeutic parenting at the front of my mind and over the 12 sessions reinforced it as my parenting style.
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